Quarterly Safety Recognition WinnerChoctaw Nation Photo

Quarterly Safety Recognition Winner Recycling Manager Raymond Kennedy accepts a RTIC cooler..

Quarterly Safety Recognition Winner Announced

Published on: September 16, 2024

Talahina -based Recycling Manager Raymond Kennedy is the quarterly associate safety recognition winner of the CNO Occupational Safety and Health (CNOSH). Raymond was recognized for taking immediate action after one of his associates was exposed to an unknown substance that caused an incident, Raymond then had the unknown substance removed from the facility to ensure no other associates were exposed.

Kennedy’s name was randomly chosen from the list of 42 associates spotlighted for good safety performance during the July through September (2024) quarter. Throughout each quarter, CNOSH team members look to highlight good safety performance by associates. When an associate is seen carrying out a safe act in a great way or delivering exceptional safety performance, the associate is presented with a specially designed shirt, towel, or mug featuring the message: “Making Today Safer for Our Choctaw Future.” One of these associates is then chosen as the quarterly recognition winner.

Some safe-work actions that resulted in safety recognition for associates during the July to September quarter include:

  • Associate noticed that the roof access hatch pathway was going to be impeded from the design and location of the mechanical duct below it. Associate brought the issue up to the architect so that changes could be made to ensure safe access/egress from the roof hatch.
  • Associate has used innovation to make their restaurant at Salt and Stone a safer place for his employees and customers.
  • Associate has rebuilt the SDS book for their restaurant, by adding an index, tabbing each chemical to match the index, removing SDS’s that are duplicated, and adding all new SDS’s for new products introduced since the original book was made.
  • Associate always follows up when a safety incident is reported in the RLDatix system. She often helps CNOSH by sending the first email notifications and providing information on how to get in touch with the injured party.

“Our CNOSH team looks forward each quarter to rewarding and acknowledging exceptional safety performance and, in turn, highlighting the essential role that safe work plays in our workplace every moment of every day,” says Crystal Battles, safety director, Occupational Safety and Health. “Seeing the list of safe-work actions recognized each quarter is a great reminder that all of us (no matter what our job title is) have a key role in carrying out the organization’s commitment to a safe workplace.”

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